Take Control of Your Commute
Posted by Wayland Austin on
The trains and tubes are still empty, and the urban bike lanes quieter as we all continue to work from home. But with potential relaxations and better spring weather on the horizon, it's time to consider what your commute will look like from now on.
Gone are the days of crammed public transport - the public perception has changed. None of us will want to jostle onto a crowded train or bus. We want to commute our way.
The word space will resonate for a long time, as we all look for ways to move around avoiding close contact with others - this is the new normal for travel.
Cars are not the solution. Pollution, road space, traffic congestion and burning fossil fuels can't be the long-term answer to our daily journeys. The answer is cycling and the ATTO can be part of the solution. It works on so many levels: it's better for you, better for your community, better for the environment and better for your wallet.
Ride from A to B, from home to the office, from work to meetings, from the station back home. Make more journeys on two wheels and you've solved so many of your own, and the planet's, problems.
Take control of your commute, take the bike instead. It might just change your life.